I-396 Seaside Serenity

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Intermediate Level    16″ wide x 16  1/4" high   78 pieces
Adirondack chair on the beach framed with palm trees. A fun ghost crab can be added.
TEXTURING: The Wonder Wheel was used to texture the palm trees. Click here to see Judy's video on how to prepare the wheel for texturing and for how to use the Wonder Wheel. 
Woods Used:  Various shades of Blue Pine for the sky and ocean, two shades of Black Limba for the chair and palm leaves, two shades of Aspen for the beach and white wave water, and Spalted Maple for the crab. Barn wood for frame. 
Suggested Blades:  Gold #5 for Pine or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5,  Platinum #5,  TLB #5 , or Pegas MG-#5  for the hardwoods.  PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut). 

Tips on cutting the Intarsia Claw

Sanding Intarsia Crab

Texture Intarsia Palm Fronds

JGR Intarsia Sanding Tips

Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!

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