intarsia: 1) a mosaic of wood fitted and glued into a wooden support popular in 15th century Italy for decoration; 2) the art or process of making such work.
The technique of intarsia inlays sections of wood (at times with contrasting ivory or bone, or mother-of-pearl) within the solid stone matrix of floors and walls or on table tops and other furniture; by contrast marquetry assembles a pattern out of veneers glued upon the carcase. It is thought that the word 'intarsia' is derived from the Latin word 'interserere' which means "to insert".
During its zenith, Intarsia was applied to nearly any surface imaginable - walls, ceilings and floors, furniture and jewelry boxes, even carriages for royalty. As Europe moved into the industrial age this art gradually began to fade.
Since the early 80's there is an international rebirth of Intarsia gaining momentum. Judy is largely responsible for bringing this wonderful art back into the arena of public awareness. The superb design and quality execution of her work is attracting much deserved attention and it seems there are few who can resist modern Intarsia. Her intarsia patterns reflect the knowledge that over 35 years of experience can prduce.
Fortunately the tools we use today has made the entire process much quicker (and easier) than in 1538. The main tools are scroll saws and pneumatic or foam based sanders.
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Judy has been creating Intarsia since the mid 70's. She worked with her father, Pat Dudley Roberts, creating commissioned artwork. Read more about Judy Roberts →