Ed K. (Oh Hoot Hawaiian) |
Ed K. (Superstition Mountain)
Don B. created this artwork from a photo

Ross P (Batter #I-73)
 Adrian V. (modified Bear)
 Alonna G. (Cowboy)
 Alonna G. (Striped Bass)
 Alonna G. (Beagle)
 Art O. (All Mine)
 Art O. (Cardinals)
 Art. O. (Santa Sleigh)
 Art O. (Sea Gull Palm)
 Art O. (Wood Pecker)
 Art O. (Aligator Dreams)
 Art O. (Basset Pup)
 Art O. (Dragon)
 Art O. (Hay Barn)
 Art O. (Hummingbird)
 Art O. (Lion)
 Art O. (Precious Sight Boy)
 Art O. (Precious Sight Girl)
 Art O. (Rainbow Trout)
  Ivan W.. (Raccoon)
 Bill B. (Cowboy)
 Bill B. (Long Horn)
 Bill B. (Amish Buggy)
 Bill B. (Cornucopia)
 Bill C. (modified light house to create Barnegat Lighthouse in NJ.)
 Bill C. (Sand Castles)
 Bill C. (Wolf)
 Bill C. (Hummingbird)
 Bill G. (Hump Back Whales)
 Bill G. (Pheasant)
 Bill M. (Cornucopia)
 Billy W. (Family Affair)
 Bo S. (Beginner Class Rose)
 Bo S. (Walking Tiger)
 Bob B. (Cornucopia)
 Bob. B. (pattern he created)
 Bob B. (pattern he created)
 Bob B. (Road Runner)
 Bob B. (Santa Bear)
 Ben S. (Pelican)
 Bobby W. (pattern created from a photo)
 Bonnie V. (Wine Still Life)
 Brad A. (Freedom plaque he designed from a picture)
 Brenda L. (Dolphins modified)
 Bruce W. (Beginner Class Rose)
 Bruce W. (Praying Hands)
 Bruce W. (Bear Cub)
 Bruce W. (Boston Terrier Pup)
 Bruce W. (Chocolate Lab)
 Charles C. (Cat in a Box)
 Chris B. (Bears One)
 Chris B. (music box he created)
 Chris B. (music box, pattern he created)
 Chris B. (Rose with Buds)
 Chris W. (Noahs Ark)
 Chuck C. (Big Foot Clown)
 Chuck C. (Great Blue Heron)
 Chuck C. (Hummingbird)
 Chuck C. (Intermediate Class Dog Nap Beagle)
 Chuck C. (King of the Savannah)
 Chuck C. (Snowy Owl)
 Dan M. (Bear Cub)
 Darren L. (All Mine)
 Darren L. (Soaring Eagle)
 Dave A. (African Adventure)
 Dave A. (Bog Buddies)
 Dave B. (Cardinals)
 Dave B. (Bugling Elk)
 Dave B. (Covered Bridge)
 Dave B. (Flower Fest 2)
 Dave B. (Hay Barn)
Dave B. (Smell the Flowers)
 Dave I. (Cornucopia)
 Dave B. (Hidden Forest)
 Dave D. (Bass Fishing)
 Dave D. (Cat in Window)
 Dave D. (Jumping Deer)
 Dave D. (Wolf)
 Dave D. (Wine Still Life)
Dave D. (Buck Deer)
 Dave D. (Horse Run)
 Dave I. (Christmas Stockings)
Dave I. (Christmas Stockings)
 Dave I (Snow Cottage)
 Dave S. (Woodland Trail)
 David T. (Longhorn)
 Dean D. (African Adventure)
 Dean D. (Eagle)
 Dean D. (Eagle Landing)
 Dean D. (Hidden Forest)
 Dean D. (Walking Tiger)
 Dennis P. (Big Horn)
 Diana C. (pattern she created)
 Diana C. (pattern she created)
 Diana C. (Hummingbird)
Diana C. (Gold Finch)
 Diana C. (German Shephard)
 Diana C. (pattern she created)
 Diana C. (Bulldog)
 Diana C. (Antique Plane)
 Diana C. (Melting Snowman)
 Diana C. (Frog)
 Diana C. (Intermediate Dog Nap Beagle)
Diana C. (Bald Eagle)
 Don B. (Bull Rider)
 Don B. (Cowboy)
 Don B. (Crucifix)
 Don B. (Pointer)
 Don B. (Wine Still Life)
 Don C. (Hobo Clown)
 Don C. (Oak Leaf Motif)
 Don M. (Eagle)
 Don M. (Walking Tiger)
 Don R. (Eagle)
Don Y. (Great Blue Heron)
 Don Y. (Moose)
 Doug C. (Sandhill Cranes)
 Douglas C. (Buffalo)
 Student from Hopatcong High School (Dragon)
 Duane M. (Hidden Forest)
 Duane M. (New Shoes)
 Duane M. (Portsmouth NH Tugs, pattern he created)
 Duane M. (West Quoddy Lighthouse, pattern he created)
 Duane M. (Noahs Ark)
 Duane M. (Puffin, pattern he created)
 DuWayne S. (Cornucopia)
DuWayne S. (Elephant)
  Donald R (Hope Angel)
DuWayne S. (Rocky Top)
 Eric M. (Golden Retriever)
Eric M. (Hoot & Nanny)
 Eric M. (Saint Bernard)
 Fred J. (Summer Daze)
 Gail J. (Advanced Class Puffins)
 Gail J. (pattern made from a picture)
 Gail J. (Advanced Class Sun)
 Gary M. (Cornucopia)
 Gary M. (Flower Fest #4)
 Gary M. (Golfer)
 Gary M. (Best Friends)
 Gary M. (Hidden Forest)
 Gary M. (Chipmunks)
 Gary M. (Iris Duet)
 Gene H. (Bag Lady)
 Geoffrey Y. (Hidden Forest)
 George K. (Squirrel, modified)
 Gilbert H. (Walking Tiger)
 Glen P. (African Adventure)
 Glen P. (Alligator Dreams)
 Glen P. (Bog Buddies)
 Glen P. (Buffalo)
 Glen P. (Full Body Elk)
 Glen P. (Hidden Forest)
 Glen P. (Lion)
 Glen P. (Puffins)
 Glen P. (Turkey)
 Glen P. (Walking Tiger)
 Glen P. (Woodland Trail)
 Glen P. (Beginning of the Trail)
 Graham G. (Big Foot Clown)
 Graham G. (Grandpas Angel)
 Graham G. (Hobo Clown)
 Greg C. (Pelican)
 Greg C. (Reef Fish)
 Greg C. (St. Augustine Lighthouse)
 Greg C. (Summer Daze)
 Greg P. (Just Married)
 Greg P. (Smell the Flowers)
 Greg P. (Intermediate Class Dog Nap)
 Harley B. (Cross with Dove)
 Harley B. (Full Body Elk)
 Harley B. (Rainbow Trout)
 Harry C. (Gold Finch)
 Harry W. (Amish Children)
 Harry W. (Christmas Candles)
 Harry W. (Crucifix)
 Harry W. (Dogwood & Cardinal)
 Harry W. (Giraffe)
 Harry W. (Iris Duet)
 Harry W. (Iris Duet)
 Harry W. (Magnolia Bloom)
 Harry W. (Oak Leaf)
 Harry W. (Sunflowers)
 Harry W. (Wreath)
 Harry W. (Mare & Foal)
 Herman H. (Amish Children)
 Michael J. (Hidden Forest)
 Student @ Hopatcong High School (Indian Chief)
 Jack B. (Bass Fishing)
 Jack C. (Western Boot)
 James I. (Intermediate Class Sleepy Cat)
 James R. (Eagle)
 Janni C. (Eagle)
 Jean M. (Grizzly Walk)
 Jean-Jacques T. (New Shoes)
 Jerry F. (Blue Birds)
 Jerry F. (Boy Stick Fishing)
 Jerry F. (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)
 Jerry L. (New Shoes)
 Jerry L. (Sail Fish)
 Jerry S. (Lipizzan)
 Jerry S. (Molly Mule)
 Jerry S. (Mallard Duck)
 Jim P. (pattern he created)
 Jim P. (pattern he created)
 Jimmy P. (Dog & His Boy)
 Jimmy P. (Praying Hands)
 Joe H.
 Joe S. (Beginner Class Rose)
 John B. (Pattern he created)
 John C. (Bronco)
 John C. (Hummingbird)
 John C. (Lipizzan)
 John G. (Mallards in Flight)
 John G. (Bass Fishing)
 John G. (White Tail Deer)
 Jon & Sharlene S. (Apple with worm)
 Karl L. (Eagle)
 Karl L. (Mallards in Flight)
 Karla H. (Lion)
 Karla H. (Rainbow Trout)
 Karla H. (Noahs Ark)
 Keith W. (All Mine)
 Keith W. (Horse Run)
 Ken A. (Family Affair)
 Ken J. (Beginning of the Trail)
 Ken J. (Cowboy)
 Ken J. (Grizzly Walk)
 Ken S. (Wine Still Life)
 Ken S. (Combination of patterns including Mrs. Claus)
 Kurt S. (Fruit)
 Lance G. (Beginner Class Rose)
 Larry B. (Hummingbird)
 Larry B. (pattern he created)
 Larry F. (Corgi)
 Larry F. (Dragon)
 Larry F. (Frog)
 Larry F. (Indian)
 Larry F. (Rooster)
 Larry F. (Volley Ball Player)
 Larry F. (Bronco)
 Larry F. (Magnolia Bloom)
 Larry F. (Rocky Top)
 Larry F. (Giraffe)
 Larry M. (Advanced Class Sun)
 Larry S. (Intermediate Class Sleepy Cat)
 Victor B. student @ Hopatcong High School (Last Supper)
 Leonard F. (St. Frances)
 Lloyd A. (Cat in Window)
 Lloyd A. (Dogwood & Cardinal)
 Lynn M. (Cross with Dove)
 Lynn M. (Mule)
 Lynn S. (Dragon)
 Marita V. (Advanced Class Puffins)
 Mark C. (Poinsettia)
 Matt C. (Dolphin Duo)
 Matt C. (Eagle)
 Matt C. (Quail)
 Melta Q. (12 Days of Christmas)
 Michael C. (Barn)
 Michael N. (pattern he created)
 Mike B. (Intermediate Class Dog Nap)
 Mike C. (Hidden Forest)
 Mike C. (pattern he created)
 Mike C. (Barn)
 Mike L. (Zebra)
 Moise N. (Beginner Class Rose)
 Nancy C. (Pelican)
 Patrick W. (Bears One)
 Patti R. (Smell the Flowers & Boy Stick Fishing)
 Patty H. (Orchid)
 Patty H. (Noahs Ark)
 Paul M. (Antique Santa)
 Paul M. (Cow)
 Paul M. (Giraffe)
 Paul M. (pattern he created)
 Paul M. (pattern he created)
 Paul M. (pattern he created)
 Paul M. (pattern he created)
 Paul M. (Santa Bear)
 Paul R. (Hummingbird & Chickadee)
 Paul R. (Antique Plane)
 Paul R. (Cotton Tail)
 Paul R. (Hockey Player)
 Paul R. (Military Bear)
 Paul R. (Pomeranian)
 Paul R. (Portland Lighthouse)
 Paul R. (Woodland Trail)
 Paul R. (Woodpecker)
 Paul R. (Apple with worm)
 Paul R. (Butterfly)
 Paul R. (Whale)
 Pete R. (Advanced Class Sun)
 Phyllis F. (Oh Hoot West)
 Student @ Hopatcong High School (Puma)
 Ray S. (Crucifix)
 Richard E. (Beginner Class Rose)
 Richard K. (Walking Tiger)
 Richard L. (Alligator Dreams)
 Richard L. (Eagle)
 Richard R. (Pelican)