I-315 Sleepy Cat

Intermediate Level   9 ” x 14”  43 pieces
Brown and White Cat taking a nap. These are the first Intarsia patterns designed for the floor. They look great on the (I-316) Intarsia Rug or just laying on the floor by your desk. A Wonder Wheel  was used for adding texture. Woods Used:  Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for the White, Walnut. Suggested Blades:  Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5,  Platinum #5,  TLB #5  for the hardwoods.  PLP-2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut). 
Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!

Intarsia Cat Intarsia Cat Intarsia Cat
Intarsia Cat Intarsia Cat Intarsia Cat


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