Advanced Level 17" x 17" 89 pieces.
Morning Sun Intarsia Pattern. You get one red lined pattern and an 8 1/2" x 11" color photo of the finished piece. The Sun was created for the 2015 advanced class. Any type of wood can be used. Woods Used: Box Elder, Walnut for the pupils, Spanish Cedar for the iris. Blades Used: Platinum Plus #5, Platinum #5 , TLB #5 or TM #5R for the Box Elder. PLP #2/0, TM #2/0 or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut).
The Crescent Moon is designed to be a companion to the Sun Intarsia Project.
Also available as a "Classroom in a Tube" ($22.45) comes with 16 pages of detailed instructions. The set will come to your door ready for you to start cutting your wood. No more worries about having copies made. One red line master pattern for reference. Two sets of the pattern sections already cut apart. These are printed with red lines on sheets of velum paper. You will be amazed how much easier it is to follow a red line with your saw blade. The vellum paper is transparent which helps finding that special grain pattern for your Intarsia project.
Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!
Advanced Level 17" x 17" 89 piecesThe set will come to your door ready for you to start cutting...
Beginner to Intermediate Level 14″ x 9″ 33 pieces. Cat in Bag Intarsia Pattern. Comical cat hiding in a...
Beginner to Intermediate Level 15½″ x 17″ 57 pieces. Cat with Yarn Intarsia Pattern. Whimsical Cat playing with a ball of...
Beginner to Intermediate Level 21½″ x 15½″ 61 pieces. Whimsical Clown with big shoes. Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red...