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Choose +1 for a hard copy, or choose Downloadable File to receive an email. More details on Download Instructions page. Buy four or more, and get $.70 off per item!
Beginner/Intermediate Level 20″ x 13″ 49
A new addition to the scarecrow family, the youngster has a crow in his pocket.
Would make a great fall Thanksgiving decoration. These are fun to do because they are more whimsical.
I-222 Scarecrow, I-233 Girl Scarecrow Perfect for fall decorations.
Wonder Wheel was used for adding texture.
Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for the White, Spalted Hackberry, Yellow Heart, Basswood, Walnut, 1/4" walnut dowels for eyes.
Suggested Blades:
Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood.
Platinum Plus #5, Platinum #5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods.
PLP-2/0, or
TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut). Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts.
See why our patterns are the best!
I-109 Christmas Candles
Beginner Level 16¼” x 18½” 50 pieces. Three candles in pine bows and Holly with a Peace on Earth sign. A Wonder Wheel used...
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I-17 Christmas Stockings #1
Beginner Level 15″ x 11″ 25/35 pieces. Puppy Dog and Toy Bear in Christmas Stockings. Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar,...
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I-196 Looks Like Snow
Intermediate Level 10" x 23 ½" to 39 ½" 49 piecesThis is a over the door project. The snow can be extended at both...
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