I-386 Full Sail

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Full Sail Waves

Beginner/Intermediate Level    19″ x 15 3/4″   30 pieces
Full sails up with lots of waves in oval frame.  19″ x 15 3/4″   30 pieces

To add more dimension to the waves, I sanded a sharp angle on the top of the waves to catch more light. To heighten the effect the lower part of the wave is dished out to cast a slight shadow. 
Woods Used:  Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen & 3/8" thick Spalted Maple for the background. 
JGR Studio Blade Chart

Suggested Blades
:  Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5, Titanium #5, Titanium #5RPlatinum #5,  TLB #5  for the hardwoods.  PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut). 
Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!

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