I-331 Rainbow Trout

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Intermediate Level      21" x 10 3/4" 47 total pieces  
The fish was glued to a backing then mounted to the sign portion of the project. I used a Wood-burner for the spots on one fish. A Wonder Wheel was used on the fins. 
Woods Used:  Sycamore for the Light, Pin Oak Burl, Box Elder, Red Oak with green rot for the background. 2nd Fish Basswood for the Light, Maple Heartwood, Box Elder, a Knot for the eye, Barn wood for the background.
Suggested Blades:  Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5, Platinum #5,  TLB #5  for the hardwoods. PLP-2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut interior lines, after cutting the exterior lines.

Click here or on the image below to download the "How To" pdf for the Rainbow Trout.

Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!

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