Intermediate Level 12½" x 9 ½" 33 pieces. New Option: 10.95 Download the Red Fox, select the option above right (by clicking on the box). After purchase you will receive an email with a link to download the PDF pattern and photo.
Sideview of a red fox, these patterns were originally in the Wildlife Intarsia Book. A Wonder Wheel was used for adding texture. Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for the White, Walnut. Suggested Blades: Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5, Platinum #5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods. PLP-2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut). Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!
Beginner/Intermediate Level 10 1/4" high by 11 1/2" wide 11 pieces Woods Used: Red Heart was used for the heart and Basswood for...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 7½" x 10½" 39 pieces.Army Bear Military- Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Poplar, Yellow Heart, Walnut, Walnut...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 7½" x 10½" 33 pieces. Navy Bear Military - Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for the...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 7½" x 10½" 37 pieces. Air Force Bear Military - Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for...