Beginner Level 10 3/4″ x 7 1/4″ 12 pieces.
Brown Pelican sitting on a piling. This pattern was originally printed in the Artistry in Wood Book. Woods Used: Various shades of Western Red Cedar, Aspen for the White, Walnut. Suggested Blades: Gold #5 for Western Red Cedar or any softwood. Platinum Plus #5, Platinum #5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods. PLP-2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut).
Intarsia pattern designed by Judy Roberts. See why our patterns are the best!
Beginner Level 16" x 8" 23 pieces. CT "Classroom in a Tube" comes with 10 pages of detailed instructions (see...
Advanced Level 21½" x 15¼" 103 pieces. CT "Classroom in a Tube" comes with 18 pages of detailed instructions (see...
Beginner Level 16" x 8" 23 pieces. Mallard Duck Intarsia Pattern. You get one red lined pattern and an 8...
Advanced Level 21½" x 15¼" 103 pieces. Puffins Intarsia Pattern. You get one red lined pattern and an 8 1/2"...