Beginner Level Mom 18″ wide x 9" high,10 pieces • Baby 10" wide x 4 1/2" high, 8 piece
Mom and baby Manatee, the baby can make a cute ornament for Christmas. I used some 3/4 thick Blue Pine for the manatees, you could use Spalted Maple or Hackberry. Any grayish - greenish wood would look great. The photo of the finished piece that comes with the pattern includes many sideview photos to help with shaping.
Note - The "M" body parts were cut out of one piece of wood. I found a slightly darker shade of the pine for the MD. Use a small blade ( PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0) to make the interior cuts (pieces that go back together).
A Wonder Wheel was used for adding texture to add some wrinkles.
Suggested Blades: Gold #5 for Pine or any softwood. Platinum Plus #3, Platinum #5, Pegas #3 or 5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods. PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut).
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