Beginner/Intermediate Level 10 1/4″ wide x 16" high 65 pieces
Fall pumpkin with a curious crow.
I used the following 3/4” thick wood for this project;
Spanish Cedar for the “M” (pumpkin), I had a darker shade of the Spanish cedar for the upper lip “MD”. Thermally modified Poplar for the “D” (crow). Peruvian Walnut for the “D” (beak, legs, and pupils). Western Red Cedar for the “M & MD” (stem on top & eyes). Aspen for the white of the eyes, 1/2“ thick Barn wood for the “D” base. 1/4” diameter dowel for the crow eye.
A Wonder Wheel was used for adding texture.
Suggested Blades: Gold #5 for Pine or any softwood. Platinum Plus #3, Platinum #5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods. PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut).
Beginner/Intermediate Level 10″ x 10″ 44 pieces.This is an updated pattern that was originally printed in “Artistry in Wood”...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 7½″ x 7½″ 29 pieces. This pattern is from the "Small Intarsia Projects" book. Some modifications have been made. A Wonder Wheel was used...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 16" x 10½" 30 pieces. Buck deer, these patterns were originally in the "Wildlife Intarsia" Book. Woods Used: Various...
Beginner/Intermediate Level 8″ x 10″ 40 pieces. Ruby throated hummingbird with trumpet flowers. This is an updated pattern that...