Beginner/Intermediate Level 13 1/2" tall by 7 1/4", 11 3/4" tall by 7" 15 pieces each
Download the Christmas Deer Pattern, select the option above right by clicking on the box. After purchase you will receive an email with a link to download the PDF pattern and photo.
I used 3/4" thick red heart for the red and holly for the white. To create a stylized deer I sanded some distinct angles along the edges.
I made two sides for each deer, after shaping the surface, I sanded the back (or the inside) of the legs up to the mid section (belly) I edge glued the sections together, then glued the two halves together.
I attached the antlers separately by doing the same thing, just be careful and leave a flat surface on the back to glue the antlers together then glue the antlers to the deers head. Do not over sand the top of the deers head where the antlers attach.
Suggested Blades: Gold #5 for Pine or any softwood. Platinum Plus #3, Platinum #5, TLB #5 for the hardwoods. PLP #2/0, or TLB #2/0 to cut the interior lines (after the exterior lines are cut).
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